Sub BlackJack()
Dim card(52) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim temp As Integer
Dim player(9) As Integer
Dim dealer(19) As Integer
Dim playertotal As Integer
Dim dealertotal As Integer
Dim playerstop As Integer
Dim dealerstop As Integer
Dim syoubu As Integer
playertotal = 0
dealertotal = 0
playerstop = 0
dealerstop = 0
For i = 1 To 52
card(i) = i
For i = 1 To 52
j = Int(Rnd() * 52) + 1
temp = card(i)
card(i) = card(j)
card(j) = temp
Cells(1, 1) = "=ブラックジャック="
Cells(2, 1) = "プレイヤー"
Cells(10, 1) = "ディーラー"
For i = 3 To 4
player(i) = Henkan(i, card(i))
playertotal = player(3) + player(4)
If playertotal = 21 Then
Cells(5, 1) = "ブラックジャック!勝てば2.5倍!"
playerstop = 1
End If
If playertotal > 16 And playertotal < 21 Then
playerstop = 1
Cells(5, 1) = "17ストップ!"
If playertotal < 21 Then
playerstop = 0
Cells(5, 1) = ""
End If
End If
Cells(2, 2) = "合計は"
Cells(2, 3) = playertotal
dealer(11) = Henkan(11, card(11))
dealertotal = dealertotal + dealer(11)
Cells(10, 2) = "合計は"
Cells(10, 3) = dealertotal
If playerstop = 0 And dealertotal < 7 And dealertotal <> 11 And playertotal > 11 Then
Cells(6, 1) = "ディーラーバーストに期待!"
playerstop = 1
Cells(6, 1) = ""
End If
If playerstop = 0 Then
For i = 5 To 9
player(i) = Henkan(i, card(i))
playertotal = playertotal + player(i)
Cells(2, 3) = playertotal
If playertotal > 21 Then
For j = 3 To 9
If player(j) = 11 Then
player(j) = 1
playertotal = playertotal - 10
Exit For
End If
If playertotal > 21 Then
Cells(2, 4) = "バーストT_T"
syoubu = 2
Exit For
End If
End If
If playertotal > 16 Then
syoubu = 0
Exit For
End If
End If
dealer(2) = Henkan(12, card(12))
dealertotal = dealertotal + dealer(2)
Cells(10, 2) = "合計は"
Cells(10, 3) = dealertotal
If dealertotal = 21 Then
Cells(13, 1) = "ブラックジャック"
dealerstop = 1
End If
If dealerstop = 0 Then
For i = 13 To 17
dealer(i) = Henkan(i, card(i))
dealertotal = dealertotal + dealer(i)
Cells(10, 3) = dealertotal
If dealertotal > 21 Then
For j = 11 To 19
If dealer(j) = 11 Then
dealer(j) = 1
dealertotal = dealertotal - 10
Exit For
End If
If dealertotal > 21 Then
Cells(10, 4) = "バースト"
dealerstop = 1
Exit For
End If
End If
If dealertotal > 16 Then
syoubu = 1
Exit For
End If
End If
End Sub
Function Henkan(order, card)
Select Case card
Case Is <= 13
Cells(order, 1) = "スペードの"
Cells(order, 2) = card
If card > 10 Then
Henkan = 10
If card = 1 Then
Henkan = 11
Henkan = card
End If
End If
Case Is <= 26
card = card - 13
Cells(order, 1) = "ハートの"
Cells(order, 2) = card
If card > 10 Then
Henkan = 10
If card = 1 Then
Henkan = 11
Henkan = card
End If
End If
Case Is <= 39
card = card - 26
Cells(order, 1) = "ダイヤの"
Cells(order, 2) = card
If card > 10 Then
Henkan = 10
If card = 1 Then
Henkan = 11
Henkan = card
End If
End If
Case Else
card = card - 39
Cells(order, 1) = "クローバーの"
Cells(order, 2) = card
If card > 10 Then
Henkan = 10
If card = 1 Then
Henkan = 11
Henkan = card
End If
End If
End Select
End Function